New Balance

We’ve been chosen by Mullen LHC to shoot two ads for New Balance. Just wrapped up shooting on Friday and now in Post world. For these ads we are teaming up again with Scott Dorman from Smalldog Imageworks. Can’t show anything yet as the ads do not come out for a few months. Here’s a hint though…. The images have sneakers in them. 😉

Update:  The ads are out!  Click here to see the final ads.

The Hard Facts About How Copyright Works.


You cannot use copyrighted imagery without permission.   Period.   Or else…


Please understand the spirit in which the following information is given:  Long experience tells us that our customers are completely scrupulous about adhering to the copyright conventions, and we make no assumptions to the contrary. Continue reading

Here Lies Photo Fred, Lost His Business, Now He’s Dead

“Here Lies Photo Fred.  Lost his business,  Now he’s dead.”

A bit extreme?  Perhaps… but strangely appropriate in the last few years’ economic climate for many businesses,  not just photography.    I have been asked many times over the years what it takes to run a successful photo business and how photographers charge for their services and the use of their images.  What determines the value of your images and how do you go about licensing them and charging for that?  While much has changed throughout recent years,  some basic tenants remain the same.  I find that by following certain rules and pricing accordingly,  I can keep my destiny from going in the direction that ol’ Fred had. Continue reading

Park City Here We Come!

Heading off tomorrow to our place in Park City Utah. Going out for the next 12 days to do some shooting and also get in some much needed turns on the mountain. I am planning to be shooting more of my personal work in the same vein of the shot shown here.

Also going to be doing some book stuff on stills and new motion stuff for the reel…. Will be testing out our new Canon 1D Mark IV camera and this nifty little GoPro Hero for some great POV perspectives! Can’t wait! Think Snow! 🙂

Heli Shot over the Everglades

Did some heli work shooting Airboats in the Everglades the other day for VISIT FLORIDA shooting stills for a print and for a TV campaign. Here’s a series of production stills of us making a low pass over the airboat shooting for TV.

Gotta give props to our PJ pilot from Cameracopters! Those guys know how to fly. Earlier in the day we were hovering over a 38 foot cabin cruiser on the ocean going about 40 miles per hour and we were so close I got hit by some of the bow spray from the boat!
Fun Stuff!


‘Tis the season for Tourism.    Just finished two weeks of Prepro and starting a week and a half of shooting for VISIT FLORIDA this week shooting with our friends at Alma DDB.   Shooting for print and TV commercials.    Great stuff!   Shooting all over Florida.    Should be a fantastic shoot.    Will post images as soon as I can release them!
Update:  The first ads are out now.   See them here

New York, New York

Times Square Cool

Times Square BBQ

Times Square

Spent a week in New York recently doing portfolio showings at various agencies and also attending the PhotoExpo. Walked around Times Square one evening shooting some stuff with the iPhone. Times Square is always so amazing. It is a visual overlord with advertising bombarding you from every angle possible and thousands of people just mingling around looking up with their mouths open.

Miami GMCVB. (Miami Tourism)

Just completed another shoot for Turkel Advertising for the Greater Miami Conventions and Visitors Bureau.     Continuing last year’s campaign.    Shot 3 more ads for them for this year.   Knee deep in retouching as we speak.  Cool stuff!!  Will show the work as soon as I can release it.
Update:   The ads are out.   Here are two of  the most recent shots