
A while back we shot a little project for Bluefish for Suffolk Construction doing some corporate work for their advertising.    Suffolk is a rather large company which builds buildings across the country.   We were tasked with shooting portraits of their management and executives.  The original the job was produced as clean portraits on grey and I then gave it a twist and took it farther adding a bit of style & flare in post which you can see here.    In all we shot about 15 shots,  here are just a few.

Pete’s Portfolio Featured on Found Folios this week.

The folks at Found Folios have featured Pete’s portfolio this week.  Check it out!

Timefest… and a peek at the future Kessler time lapse system

Check out this video

For those that want to see more behind the scenes – and a PEAK AT THE NEXT GENERATION of time lapse tools from Kessler Crane – here you go! The new system will allow you to control focus, zoom, and iris! (along with the dolly/crane and pan/tilt head that are currently part of the existing system.)



Kessler TimeFest 2011: Behind The Scenes from Kessler Crane on Vimeo.

Belgrade Reads – Pro Bono Project

One of the projects we kept busy with while in Maine this summer was to work on a Pro Bono community service project for the Belgrade Public Library.    This was part of an ongoing campaign call “Belgrade Reads”  where we shoot various people from town reading in varied environments.   Posters are created with the images and placed around town to raise awareness and get people to use the library.     Response has been strong,  library use is way up and they are plans are in the works to build a new larger library.

Here are 3 of the images shot this summer.


Fine Art- Summer in Maine

Just returned from an amazing trip to Maine for the summer.   In addition to spending much needed downtime bonding with the family,  I spent a great deal of time shooting for the books and shooting personal work for fine art projects.   Here is one of the first shots from a series of fine art prints.    I will post more as I finish them.

Cape Town, South Africa

We recently had the opportunity to travel to Cape Town, South Africa for two weeks of shooting and exploration.   Shot tons of new stuff for the portfolios, visited a few ad agencies to show the work, did a quick assignment and lots of exploring.   What a great trip!   If you have never been to South Africa, I highly recommend it.   It is an amazing place.   South Africa is a place that is area that is unique unto itself… far off from the areas where you venture off on safaris.    The people are great and the landscapes are amazing.

I think I’ve mentioned in the past that travel always stirs my creativity.   Nothing like going to far off places and exploring and shooting things that are different from your day to day life or surroundings.   Driving on the opposite side of the road with a stick shift on the wrong side of the car is always an adventure.   Wandering around and finding penguins on Boulders Beach,   Baboons wandering the streets by Misty Cliffs and South of the lighthouse in Kommetije.   Watching the surfers paddle longboards in overhead swell at Surfer’s Corner in Muizenberg on the Indian Ocean.   Finding 19th on Main in Kalk Bay and all you can eat curry… yum!   Climbing Table Mountain and watching as the weather goes from amazing sunset to socked in white out in a matter of minutes leaving you in a place that feels more like Iceland than South Africa.   A short drive outside of downtown Cape Town and you are in Stellenbosh, heart of SA’s wine country.    Just an amazing place full of diversity and many cultural influences.

Much of what we shot on this trip were wide landscape shots along with elements to add in objects and people later primarily for stock and the portfolio.

Here are a few teaser images of these places.   We will be adding in additional structural elements later to give a place to ground talent within the shots.

Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa!

Well our travels have brought us to Cape Town,  South Africa.    If you have never been here,  I highly recommend it.   What an amazing place!    Wonderful people and the scenery is absolutely amazing!     Traveling all around for the last week shooting landscape backgrounds which will end up being part of more complex composites.    Also doing some really neat fine art images with the iPhone.   Will post images as I can.  For now here are some iPhone photos.




New Swimming Work

Recently spent a couple days shooting some new swimming stuff for the book and for stock.   Shot with model Raphael Hildebrand who we had worked with previously on the VisitFlorida campaign.   He has been a swimmer most of his life which was a plus as we did not have to educate him on proper technique and form… just give him a little direction and he nailed it.

Pete’s Work Climbing the Ranks at OneEyeland

My work has been climbing the ranks on OneEyeland’s ranking system for most accepted and best images.   Currently I am sitting at #3 of all their photographers Worldwide for this month!   I am honored that my work has been so well received amongst such a talented group of image creators.

For those who are not familiar with OneEyeland… It is very different kind of web portal featuring the works of some of the worlds very best photographers.

Images must pass a rigorous editing process and only the best are excepted after being judged by a Jury of 5 members who evaluate images on 5 parameters.

1. CONCEPT –  Is it more than a pretty picture? Is there an idea behind the image?
2. POINT OF VIEW – How fresh is the point of view?
3. CRAFT – What is the level of finish of the image in terms of execution?
4. EVOCATIVENESS – Does the image evoke many stories? Or is it linear?
5. MEMORABILITY – Does the image stick in the head even after you see several other images?
All the parameters are judged on a 1-10 scale by the members.
Then the score for the image is tabulated.
If the score is above 30, an image is shortlisted for consideration.
Then all 5 members take a vote on whether the image is worthy of being inducted into One Eyeland.
If 3 or more than 3 say YES, then the image is selected.
Sometimes, some images lose out after being shortlisted.
It is highly possible, that some of your images, may have been shortlisted, but didn’t make the final cut.
The jury at One Eyeland, try their best to be objective.
You can link directly to my images on OneEyeland by clicking here.